Monday, July 31, 2006

hey, i think i can see my place from here

i must have changed a setting on my camera without realising it, because all my photos have come out really dark. so, until i can get home and photoshop, since toms computer doesnt have anything in the way of photo editing stuff, you'll have to make do with some dark dark photos.
or not, as it seems blogger is being a bitch pants and not uploading photos tonight
nope. what a fucker.

i was going to show you photos of the eiffel tower, and of the weeked we spent at toms grandparents house with florent and agathe. i guess that will have to wait until tomorrow when i can finally upload to flickr again, and maybe blogger will let me too.


for the first time since i got here, im bored and im hungry. honestly, i have not been hungry the entire time, nor have i been bored, but we drove home from the grandparents place this lrning, got back at 830am, i slept, read, ate some blinis, and now im bored and hungry again. tom is too tired to do anything since he couldnt sleep in the car, and im too scared id get lost if i went out for a walk. inevitably someone would speak to me and i would stumble and mumble and english would come out just like it did all weekend.

toms grandparents and godmother dont speak english at all. so this weekend i sat at the table and zoned out, chewing on bread while everyone else ate jellied ham and talked and laughed. it really got off to a wrong start right from the beginning. we got out of the car and everyone was hugging. agathe started speaking and it was with great joy that the relatives exclaimed 'she speaks perfect french!', followed by disapointed faces when they realised i was the one they were supposed to be meeting. i know they said it to tom, and everyone else, that it was a pity there wasnt a universal language for everybody. and i knew before i went there that i wouldnt understand or be understood. and i thought id be ok with it, that id keep up with the gist of the conversation and be able to make comments via tom, or at least nod or shake my head. but the best i could do was stammer 'non merci' when they offered me ham *again*. it all got a bit too much for me on sunday afternoon when they were all talkingtalkingtalking, and it became quiet and everybody looked at me. tom had a face like, 'well? answer them', and i answered, perhaps a little too loudly 'if you asked me in english, maybe id know what you were talking about'. it didnt help that id been feeling crappy for the last hour, which i finally self diagnosed as a urinary tract infection. fun, yay! it was purely coincidence that they served everybodt cows tongue when it was finally enough for me and i left the table for a lie down.

they are lovely though, and toms grandma seemed genuinely worried about me when i came back down after four hours of needing to pee and not being able to, and then sleeping.

toms grandpa...he's funny. i think tim rogers will look like him when he grows up. you can all see what you think when BLOGGER LETS ME POST PHOTOS AGAIN


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